Mutassson 24 48 96


19000 Ft
THE PERFECT GIFT FOR BEGINNERS AND EXPERTS ALIKE—Whether you’re treating yourself or a lucky fan in your life, you can’t

MTG – Foundations Collector’s Booster – EN

10000 Ft
WELCOME TO THE MULTIVERSE—Meet Magic’s most popular characters, raise zombies or cats, and strategically command armies or ancient power; this


68000 Ft
WELCOME TO THE MULTIVERSE—Meet Magic’s most popular characters, raise zombies or cats, and strategically command armies or ancient power; this

MTG – Foundations Starter Collection – EN

25000 Ft
EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO SUCCEED—Gain an instant Magic collection. This truly astounding box boasts over 350 cards with essential staples

MtG – Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Commander Deck

  • 1 - 99 card deck w/ 1 speciality card 1 Premium Commander (New art) 10 Double-sided tokens 1 speciality reference card 1 insert checklist 1 Commander life tracker 1 deck box
Opciók választása Ennek a terméknek több variációja van. A változatok a termékoldalon választhatók ki

MtG – Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Draft Booster

1500 Ft
  • Each pack contains 15 Magic cards
  • Find a Rare or Mythic Rare in every pack.
  • The best booster for Drafting! Just add lands and draft with up to 12 players.

MtG – Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Draft Booster Display (36 Packs)

50000 Ft
    • Includes 36 Magic: The Gathering Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Draft Boosters.
    • Each pack contains 15 Magic cards (540 Magic cards total).
    • Find a Rare or Mythic Rare in every pack.
    • The best booster for Drafting! Just add lands and draft with up to 12 players.

MTG – Kaldheim Bundle – EN

22000 Ft
Elörendelhetö 2021.02.04-ig
  • 10 Kaldheim Magic: The Gathering Draft Booster Packs
  • Exclusive foil alternate-art promo card
  • 40 basic land cards (20 foil & 20 non-foil), an exclusive Oversized Spindown life counter and card storage box
  • MTG set inspired by Norse Mythology, Vikings, and metal!

MTG – Kaldheim Commander Deck – Elven Empire

25000 Ft
  • 100-lapos játékra kész Kaldheim Commander deck
  • 1 foil Commander kártyalap
  • 10 dupla oldalú token + élet számláló és deck box
  • MTG set melyet a Skandináv Mitológia, Vikingek és a metal ihletett!

MTG – Kaldheim Commander Deck – Phantom Premonition

11000 Ft
  • 100-lapos játékra kész Kaldheim Commander deck
  • 1 foil Commander kártyalap 
  • 10 dupla oldalú token + élet számláló és deck box
  • MTG set melyet a Skandináv Mitológia, Vikingek és a metal ihletett!

MTG – Kaldheim Draft Booster Display (36 Packs) – EN

50000 Ft
  • 36 Kaldheim Magic: The Gathering Draft Booster Packs
  • 540 cards per box including 36 assorted rare and mythic rare cards per box
  • 15 Magic cards per pack
  • MTG set inspired by Norse Mythology, Vikings, and metal!

MTG – Kamigawa Neon Dynasty Commander – Buckle Up

14000 Ft
Includes a 100-card ready-to-play Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Commander deck. Commander Deck includes 2 traditional foils & 98 non-foil cards. 1 foil-etched Display Commander. Introduces 15 Magic: The Gathering cards not found in the main set. Contains 10 double-sided tokens and life tracker.

MTG – Kamigawa Neon Dynasty Commander – Upgrades Unleashed

14000 Ft
Includes a 100-card ready-to-play Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Commander deck. Commander Deck includes 2 traditional foils & 98 non-foil cards. 1 foil-etched Display Commander. Introduces 15 Magic: The Gathering cards not found in the main set. Contains 10 double-sided tokens and life tracker.